• 300 Temple Rd, Thalapathpitiya, Sri Jayavardhanapura.
  • 0114 752 525
  • info@skinbliss.lk
300 Temple Rd, Thalapathpitiya, Sri Jayavardhanapura.
Redefine your age with
Skin Bliss Clinic
Redefine your age with
Skin Bliss Clinic

Skin Bliss Clinic

Bringing the ultimate in care for your skin from both inside and out, we provide expert dermatological and cosmetic services through our state of the art facility – Skin Bliss Clinic. Our Board certified dermatologists and cosmetologists cover a wide array of treatments offering you the best of both worlds under one roof.

Dermatological Clinic
Medical diagnosis and treatment of skin conditions by our expert panel of specialist doctors.

Although many people take their skin for granted, it is one of the most important organs in the human body performing countless vital functions essential for life. Our skin, hair and nails are also accurate indicators of our general health highlighting signs of illness within the body. Therefore, maintaining healthy skin, hair and nails is essential not just for outward appearance – to look good and feel confident - but also to improve overall wellness and prevent illnesses. Our panel of specialist doctors are experts in identifying such symptoms - diagnosing and treating skin, hair and nail diseases as well as cosmetic disorders, including hair loss and scars.

Cosmetic Centre
State of the art aesthetic skin enhancement solutions under certified cosmetology professionals.

Beauty may be skin deep, but taking care of our body and looking after ourselves is vital to lead a healthy and happy life. In a world where outward appearance matters, overall wellness is paramount and looking the best we can be, will help us feel good, and be more confident. Cosmetic procedures and treatments enhance and improve one’s appearance serving to boost self-esteem.
Our panel of experts include specialist doctors and consultant physicians who are highly experienced in their field. They take time to understand your concerns and needs, working with you to achieve the right results for you.

Why choose us